• What Are Yoni Wands?

    Yoni wands, shrouded in the mystique of ancient wisdom and sensuality, are powerful tools of self-discovery and feminine energy exploration. These exquisite wands have been cherished for centuries by those seeking to reconnect with their inner selves. Yoni wands symbolize the sacred feminine and are used for healing and balancing the womb and chakras. When used in personal rituals or meditation, these wands harness the energy of the Earth, promoting the metaphysical properties of the wands specific crystal. Yoni wands beckon those who seek a mystical journey into their own bodies, inviting a profound union between mind, spirit, and the divine feminine essence.

  • What Are Yoni Eggs?

    Yoni eggs are more than just exquisite crystals; they are gateways to an intimate journey of self-discovery and transformation. Crafted from a selection of enchanting gemstones, each egg holds unique energies that resonate with your body and spirit.Whether you seek to nurture your feminine energy, strengthen your pelvic muscles, harmonize your chakras, or simply bask in the luxurious beauty of these gems, there's a Yoni Egg waiting to elevate your experience.

  • What Are Vulva Stones?

    Vulva stones, shrouded in ancient mysticism, are revered for their connection to the divine feminine energy and sexual vitality. These captivating gemstones, resembling the sacred yoni, hold the power to awaken sensuality and heighten pleasure. To harness their mystical essence, one should begin by cleansing the stone under moonlight, infusing it with lunar energies. To experience their transformative magic, meditate with a vulva stone, placing it over the sacral chakra, where it can unlock the flow of creativity and passion within. Engaging in tantric practices or self-love rituals with a vulva stone can help unlock hidden desires and foster a deeper connection to one's own sensuality. These enigmatic gemstones have been used for centuries to empower and celebrate the divine feminine, making them a unique and potent tool for those seeking to embrace their inner goddess and explore the depths of their sexual energy.

  • What Are Physique Pendants?

    Physique pendants are crafted with precision and imbued with mystical significance, they are not mere accessories, but conduits of energy and intention. To wear one is to invoke a subtle transformation within oneself. Each pendant is a vessel, channeling the essence of the chosen symbol or deity, aligning the wearer with its unique powers. Whether it be the protective eye of Horus, the calming influence of the lotus, or the strength of the Tree of Life, these pendants are talismans of purpose and connection. To truly unlock their potential, wear them, meditate upon their symbolism, infusing them with personal intent, and place them upon your altar. Thus, physique pendants become a sacred part of one's journey, a bridge between the physical and the mystical, a reminder that we are more than flesh and bone – we are beings of intention and limitless potential.

How To Clean And Charge

Cleaning crystal yoni wands and yoni eggs is essential to maintain their hygiene and energy purity. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean them:

Materials you'll need:
1. Mild soap or a specialized yoni wand/yoni egg cleaner (avoid harsh chemicals).
2. Warm water.
3. A soft cloth or brush (ex: a toothbrush).
4. A clean towel or cloth for drying.
Optional: Sage or other cleansing herbs (for energetically cleansing crystals).

Cleaning steps:

1. Wash your hands: Before handling your crystal yoni wand or yoni egg, make sure your hands are clean to avoid transferring dirt or oils to the crystal.

2. Rinse with warm water: Start by rinsing the crystal yoni wand or yoni egg under warm running water. This helps remove any surface debris or bodily fluids.

3. Use a mild soap: Apply a small amount of mild soap to a soft cloth or brush. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as they can damage the crystal's surface.

4. Gently clean the crystal: Gently scrub the crystal with the soapy cloth or brush, paying attention to any crevices or textured areas. Be cautious not to scratch the crystal or damage any attached cords or handles.

5. Rinse thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the crystal thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap residue.

6. Dry it off: Pat the crystal yoni wand or yoni egg dry with a clean, soft towel or cloth. Ensure it's completely dry to prevent the growth of mold or bacteria.

Energetic cleansing/charge:
Crystals hold energy, so to energetically cleanse and charge your crystals, do the following:

1. Sunlight or moonlight: Place your crystal in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This is believed to recharge the crystal's energy.

2. Smudging: Pass the crystal through the smoke of sage, palo santo, or another cleansing herb to clear its energy.

3. Sound cleansing: Some people use sound, such as ringing a bell or using a singing bowl, to cleanse their crystals.

It's important to note that energetic cleansing is a matter of personal belief and preference. If you choose to do it, be mindful of the specific properties of your crystal, as some crystals may be sensitive to light or other cleansing methods.

Regular cleaning and energetic cleansing will help keep your crystals in good condition and maintain their energetic purity.